we are all living the dream
If we are to live our lives instead of reacting to stimuli we meet every day, we need to set our sights on a vision. The trick is to let the lives we lead, the people we meet and the challenges we must meet tweek the vision and color it realistically. When I was young, my dream was to fall in love, marry and have lots of children. As my life progressed through divorces and disappointments I suddenly realized that the very things I labeled as disappointments were the stepping stones to the unique dream I was creating. Now ,at 71, I am living a new vision and I love it. It wasn't the first pattern or anything like that first plan but it is a magic dream nonetheless because I move forward in my life, make new discoveries and start unexpected and delightful careers that lead to other surpises and adventures. We are all livng our dreams, Inez. The trick is to accept responsibility for them because we created them day by day and year by year.
Lynn ruth
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