I sometimes wonder what causes depression. I question it's being the result of a chemical imbalance. I think if the world would elasticize its judgements and accept that differences are what make people people, we would not create anguished souls so bereft of self respect that they ache to remove themselves from a life so painful they cannot endure continuing it.
Again, I often think if we could erase the words failure, mistake, stupid and useless from our vocabulary we would have a population of individuals operating on a variety of levels, none of them labeled normal or abnormal. Everyone could travel toward their own homeostasis without being torn apart by artificial standards that have nothing to do with their personal growth.
Perhaps that is a definition of utopia , but I don't think so. I think it can become our now.
I believe each of us can make that goal our individual reality.
I did the day I walked out of the hospital with a death sentence almost forty years ago. I changed my definition of what life could become and refused to use standards of monetary profit or sexual success as my only reason for being. It worked. I am here. Smiling.
I differ with you Lynn, as my father was a prime example of a very depressed English gentleman who was born with a genetic chemical deficiency, creating a seratonin imbalance in the brain, thereby exhibiting paranoid schizophrenia, creating delusions, hearing voices, withdrawal, mood swings, and eventually became complicated with Alzheimers disease--his family had a whole lifetime of experience dealing with the stress of these symptoms, and I personally have worked in the field of neurology and neurosurgery in a local Ohio medical university setting, and have also worked in a suburban group home working under the direction of two of my best friends trained in the field of psychiatry and had firsthand exerience for about 5 years working with the mentally ill who were and are severely depressed and were not altered in disposition or mood alteration without the addition of drugs to their bodies/and minds. Lynn Ruth, read "Skywriting" by Jane Pauley--it's a mind bending and very candid synopsis of bi-polar disorder and the effects of it on human consciousness. Some of the most gifted individuals, i.e. Jane Pauley, Larry King, and many others are depressed, or have bi-polar disorders. Depression can be brought on in our early childhood development and never be recognized, or acknowledged until later years, or after some sort of cataclysmic events in our lives, examples being divorce, suicides, spousal abuse, job loss, death of spouses, death of children, or external major losses like loss of homes as in fire, financial loss, etc. Personal experience with some of these factors has led me to believe that depression can be caused by several factors not just attitudes or conditions in the world! Susan
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