Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Sometimes, life appears to deal so many blows to one's ego that we feel overwhelmed and defeated with no hope of pulling out of the morass we seem to dig into each day. I have been in one of these sinking phases and as each disaster piles upon the next, it occurred to me that all these things could be learning experiences or just normal abrasions that I must learn to deal with if I am to keep to my course in life. For me at least, writing, painting and communicating on a deeper level is whatI am about and where I am trying to go. If I meet with a solid wall such as I have in particular with a woman who bought my car and now refuses to pay for it, I must realize where the problem lies and deal with it in a way that costs me the least amount of wasted energy. I could ignore it and let her have the car but somehow that seems immoral not just to myself but to my sense of fair play.
This isn't easy to do because I must also deal with my own anger and hurt pride.
I am trying.
I am not sure I am succeeding.


Blogger Inez Hollander said...

Lynn Ruth,

The car is still in your name isn't it? You have not signed over the registration and licence yet to her, have you? If she's not paying you, she's probably not paying for insurance either so I would send the police after her,


6:49 AM  

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